I am Brady and I really like watching movies. Many would consider it a hobby, but others might say borderline obsession. I guess it’s your pick. This is something I wanted to do in my spare time besides just watching the movies, so I made this site. I’ll be writing reviews on all different kinds of movies based off of my personal perspective, no fancy point system or anything. If you would like me to review anything or want recommendations on any movies for a genre, please let me know. I’d love to share movie picks and opinions.
My Goal For This Place
My eventual goal for this website is to have it brimming with reviews in every category. I’ve been considering an email list with recommendations each month, maybe 5 movies or so. I thought about doing it every week, but people get quite busy and I’m one of them. That is only if this site gets enough attention for me to do so. I’ve seen a lot of movies and am still excited to see more so I’ll try to make a review every month at the very least. If you feel like you want to start writing reviews, then shoot me a message and we can work something out.
Other Things I Like That You Might Too
I love anime, my favorite is One Piece, but I started with DBZ. I play video games as well when I have time. Personally, I love the new God of War games as they have a wonderful story to tell. I do love other games too especially some of the older ones. I’m a big kingdom hearts fan; I actually own a replica of the Kingdom Key. I love Ratchet & Clank, specifically the first 3, and I can’t forget Jak & Daxter they were both great games.